Readability Analysis Report

Overall Metrics

Flesch Reading Ease: 36.63 Measures text difficulty based on sentence length and word syllables. Higher scores indicate easier readability. Range: 0-100.
Flesch Kincaid Grade: 14.60 Estimates the U.S. school grade level required to understand the text. Lower scores indicate easier readability.
Gunning Fog: 14.04 Estimates the years of formal education needed to understand the text. Lower scores indicate easier readability.
Smog Index: 16.10 Estimates the years of education needed to understand the text.
Automated Readability Index: 17.70 Estimates grade level required to comprehend the text.
Coleman Liau Index: 14.16 Estimates U.S. grade level needed to understand the text.
Linsear Write: 15.75 Used to calculate the U.S. grade level of a text sample.
Dale Chall: 7.96 Considers the number of difficult words. Lower scores indicate easier readability.
Difficult Words: 953.00 Number of difficult words in the text.
Avg Sentence Length: 26.00 Average number of words per sentence.
Avg Syllables Per Word: 1.70 Average number of syllables per word.
Avg Letter Per Word: 5.37 Average number of letters per word.
Sentence Count: 226.00 Total number of sentences.
Syllable Count: 10054.00 Total number of syllables.
Lexical Diversity: 0.26 Ratio of unique words to total words.

List of Difficult Words

abandon, abandoning, ability, absence, absolutely, abundance, acceptable, access, accessible, accommodate, accompanied, accompany, accomplished, according, accounts, achieving, acknowledge, acquire, acquisitions, acted, action, actions, active, actual, additional, additionally, adequate, adhere, adhered, advance, advantageous, advantages, advocating, affairs, affordability, aftermath, aggressiveness, agitation, agitator, agrarian, agreement, agricultural, agriculturally, agriculture, albania, albanian, alexander, algeciras, alliance, allied, allies, allotments, allowed, ally, although, ammunition, analysis, anarchy, anglo, annexation, anti, applies, approaching, areas, armenia, armenian, artificially, artillery, aspiration, aspirations, associated, attempt, attempts, attitude, attract, attribute, austria, austria's, austrian, austro, authority, avoided, backwardness, balkans, bargaining, basic, basis, battering, behavior, benefit, benefits, benevolent, beyond, bismarck, boldness, borneo, branches, breaking, bringing, broadly, bulgaria, bulwark, burden, calculated, campaign, capabilities, capable, capitalist's, capitalists, captured, carefully, caucasus, ceded, central, centrifugal, cessation, channels, character, characteristic, cherished, choosing, circumstance, circumstances, citizens, citizenship, civilized, clearly, closest, coalition, coexistence, collapse, collide, collision, colonial, colonization, colossal, combination, combined, combustible, comfortable, commercial, common, commoner, commonly, communication, communications, comparative, compared, comparison, compatible, compelled, compensate, competing, complete, completely, complications, composition, concentrated, concerns, concessions, concluded, concluding, conclusion, conditions, conduct, conducted, configuration, conflict, connected, connection, conquests, consciously, consequence, consequences, consequently, conservative, consider, consideration, considered, consistently, constitution, constitutional, consumer, consuming, contemporary, context, continental, contracting, contradict, contradicts, contrary, contrast, contribute, contributing, convenient, conversely, conviction, convinced, counted, counterparts, countless, countries, country's, covet, create, created, creating, credit, creditors, culminate, cultured, cunning, current, currents, curtailing, declared, defeated, defended, defensive, deficiencies, definitively, degenerate, degree, delegates, delivery, demagogic, demagogues, demand, demanding, demands, democratic, demoralized, densely, deny, departing, department, dependence, dependency, depending, depends, desirable, desired, despite, destroying, devastated, develop, developed, developing, development, developments, devoid, dictated, difficult, difficulties, difficulty, dilettantish, diminish, diminishing, diplomacy, diplomacy's, diplomatic, directed, directly, disadvantageous, discern, displacement, distant, distrust, disturbances, divergence, divert, division, domestic, domestically, dominance, dominion, dual, dubious, duel, duma, durnovo, easier, easily, economic, economically, economy, effort, efforts, egoism, elaborate, elections, elevated, eliminate, embodied, embryo, embryonic, emerging, emigrants, emperor, empire, employ, emulation, enacted, endorsing, england, england's, enhanced, enjoyed, enormous, ensure, entente, enterprise, entirely, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurs, ephemeral, equally, equipment, equivocation, eradicating, especially, essential, essentially, establish, estonian, europe, european, evident, exaggerated, examining, exceed, exceptional, exceptionally, excess, excessive, excessively, exclude, excluded, executors, exemplifies, existence, expand, expansion, expectations, expelling, expenditures, expense, expenses, expensive, experience, explains, exploit, exploited, export, exports, extend, extended, extent, externally, extinct, extort, extract, extracting, extreme, factor, factories, factors, failure, famous, fantasies, fantasy, fashoda, fatal, fatherland, favorable, favorably, fighting, financial, finland, focus, followed, forcing, foreign, foresee, foreseen, former, formidable, forming, formosa, fortunes, foundation, frequently, fruitless, fundamental, fundamentally, furious, furthermore, future, generated, german, germans, germany, germany's, global, governmental, gradual, gradually, granted, grasping, greatest, grouping, groupings, growing, guarantee, guided, halted, herzegovina, hesitated, historical, homeland, hostile, hostility, human, hungarian, hungary, identified, ignored, iii's, immediate, immediately, impartial, impending, implementation, implemented, imply, import, impose, impoverished, improved, improvement, inadequacy, inadequate, incalculable, incident, incidental, incite, inclination, inclined, incomparably, incompatible, incomprehensible, increased, incurred, independent, india, indochina, induce, indulging, industrial, industrialists, industrially, industries, industry, industry's, inevitability, inevitable, inevitably, infamous, influence, influx, inner, innfold, instituted, institutions, insufficiency, insufficient, insufficiently, insurmountable, integrity, intellectual, intense, interest, interests, intermediary, intermediation, internal, intervention, intrigues, invariably, inventions, invested, investments, invisibly, involved, invulnerable, ireland, irrevocably, islands, isolated, japanese, java, joining, kashgaria, korea, labor, landing, landless, landowner, largely, larivalry, later, latter, latvian, leaders, legislative, lesser, liberal, liberation, limited, lithuanian, locations, looking, losses, lower, loyal, machinations, mainland, maintain, maintained, maintaining, manage, managing, manchurian, manifestations, manifested, manufacturers, maritime, markets, masses, material, meager, meanwhile, measures, mediation, members, memory, merely, migration, military, millions, ministry, minority, miraculous, mistaken, mistakenly, modern, modest, monarchist, mongolia, montenegro, moreover, mortal, motivated, movement, movements, murdered, muslims, namely, nation, national, nations, natural, naturally, nature, necessarily, necessary, necessitate, necessity, needed, negative, negotiations, neighboring, neighborly, nervousness, network, neutral, neutrality, nevertheless, nikolayevich, nonetheless, normal, notable, numerous, obedience, obedient, object, obligate, observe, obvious, occur, occurred, occurring, octobrist, offensive, official, opening, openly, opponent, opponents, opposed, opposing, opposition, oppositional, option, orbit, organization, organizing, orientation, osten, outbreak, outbursts, outcome, outflows, outlet, overcome, overseas, overthrow, overzealous, owners, pacific, painlessly, paralyze, parliament, partially, participation, particular, particularly, parties, patron, peacefulness, peasant, peninsula, people's, peoples, period, periods, permanently, persia, persian, persistent, perspective, phenomenon, philippine, policy, political, pomeranian, poorly, popular, populated, population, portion, position, possess, possessions, possibility, possibly, potential, powers, poznaƄ, practical, preceding, precious, preclude, predetermined, predicament, predominant, preference, prepared, preparedness, presence, presented, pressure, prestige, prevent, previously, primarily, principle, principles, prior, privateering, probable, probably, proceeding, proclaim, procurement, productivity, products, profit, profitability, profits, programs, proliferate, prolonged, promises, promising, properly, propertied, properties, protected, protecting, protection, protects, provide, provinces, provoke, prussia, prussian, psychology, purely, purportedly, pursue, pushes, pyotr, quantity, quarrel, railways, ramifications, rapprochement, reaches, realize, reasons, rebellion, receding, recent, reckon, recommendations, recovering, redistribution, reduced, reducing, reflected, regard, regarding, regardless, region, regulator, reinvested, reinvesting, relations, relationships, relatively, reliable, remained, remaining, remains, remembers, repayment, represent, representation, reproaches, require, requiring, reside, resistance, resort, resorting, resources, respect, responsibility, restless, restore, restrained, restrictive, resulting, results, retaining, retreat, revanchist, revel, revive, revolution, revolutionary, rewarded, rewarding, rifle, rival's, rivalry, romania, ruin, russia, russia's, russian, russo, sacrifice, sacrificed, sacrifices, secondary, secretary, sections, secure, secured, securing, seeking, seizers, sensitivity, sentiments, serbia, series, seriously, seriousness, serving, settled, settlers', severing, shortfalls, significance, significant, significantly, simply, simultaneous, simultaneously, situation, skillful, slogans, smaller, social, socialism, socialist, society, society's, soldiers, solid, somewhat, sooner, sparsely, specialists, specifically, squeezing, standing, statehood, statement, strata, strategic, strategically, strengthening, strictly, struggle, struggling, stubborn, submarine, subsequent, subsequently, substantial, successful, successfully, sufficient, sufficiently, suggests, suited, sumatra, supplies, supply, supplying, support, supporters, suppress, suppressing, surrender, sweden, sympathetic, systematic, tactics, technical, technically, technology, tension, territorial, territory, tested, testifies, thereby, therefore, thickness, thoroughly, thoughtful, throughout, tibet, totality, traditional, traditionally, traffic, training, transcaucasus, transform, transitioning, treacherously, trepidation, turmoil, typically, ultimately, unable, unaligned, uncertainty, unconscious, unconsidered, undeniable, undermine, undermines, understandable, understands, understood, undesirable, undisputed, undisputedly, undisturbed, undoubtedly, unequal, unexpected, unfavorable, unfriendliness, unlike, unlikely, unnatural, unnecessary, unrealistic, unrest, unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, upcoming, upheavals, uprising, urianhai, uriankhai, valuables, various, vassal, ventures, victorious, victoriously, victors, vistula, vital, vulnerable, warfare, warrants, weakening, weighing, whatever, wishes, within, working, worships, worthy